For this part of the project we (because now we're working in groups) should animate one or more of the words we have worked on before.
Collapse (me)
Inject (Gitana)
Crash (Gavin)
Once again we need to reinforce the meaning by its behaviour, but now using a traditional animation method - stop frame animation - by taking pictures and editing them or by using the Rostrum Camera plus the software Istopmotion (that kind of do the editing for you plus some other helpful features).
Once again we could only use Helvetica as a type face but we could use it in any format.
We decided to use the three words and tell a story that would be the interaction between them. After a few sketches we agreed on the sequence and prepared the storyboard.
After a few attempts with different styles and with Pete's advice we decided on a: 'cutting out-drawing-filling in-rubbing out-paper-scissors-rubber and bluetac' style.
I am glad we opted for this style as well as for the use of the Rostrum camera. It took us time and patience but was a good fun and really satisfying.
This project made me realise the importance of storyboarding and planning as well as the notion of time and rhythm.
The only evidence of the storyboard is this pre-story board sketch we've done. The actual one I think was thrown away in the middle of the other pieces of paper and rubbish :(

And this is the result:
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